Class LinuxDevice

  extended bynet.jhid.impl.generic.AbstractDevice
      extended bynet.jhid.impl.linux.LinuxDevice
All Implemented Interfaces:
IDevice, java.lang.Runnable

public class LinuxDevice
extends AbstractDevice
implements java.lang.Runnable

Linux implementation of IDevice

Constructor Summary
LinuxDevice(LinuxDeviceInfo aDeviceInfo)
Method Summary
 IDeviceInfo getDeviceInfo()
 void run()
          Reads the linux evdev virtual file and calls #processPacket(int, int, short, short, int) for each received packet.
Methods inherited from class net.jhid.impl.generic.AbstractDevice
addListener, getAxes, getAxis, getButton, getButtons, getListenersIterator, removeListener, setAxes, setButtons, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LinuxDevice(LinuxDeviceInfo aDeviceInfo)
Method Detail


public IDeviceInfo getDeviceInfo()
Specified by:
getDeviceInfo in interface IDevice
An object that can provide information about this device, such as its name, vendor id, etc.


public void run()
Reads the linux evdev virtual file and calls #processPacket(int, int, short, short, int) for each received packet.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable